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“Party theme ideas are the most interesting aspects of any party. Themes provide a certain direction to the fiber of the party.”

Searching for great party or event themes is one of the most interesting things you can undertake. Sometimes your imagination can go wild and you will come up with some of the most hilarious ideas for children and adults alike. Theme is very important to an event or party because a theme tends to bring out the objectives of an event. Besides, themes for birthday party reflect the liking or hobbies of the birthday boy or girl. It is vital to consider themes that will impress the guest and make the party unique.

If you are planning to host a party, then it’s time to learn about the various themes that you can use to entertain the guests. Not forget to mention, 123 Cheese Photobooth is definitely a great idea to bring out your theme perfectly with customized layouts and props uniquely design by their top notch designer. Below are some theme party ideas for your reference:

1. Luau Theme

The Butterfly Project – Beauty Bloggers and Kinohimitsu held this awesome hawaii style party together.

The Butterfly Project - Beauty Bloggers and Kinohimitsu awesome hawaii style party

The Butterfly Project – Beauty Bloggers and Kinohimitsu awesome hawaii style party


2. Nursery Rhymes

Jordan’s 1st Birthday Celebration  Theme with all the childhood story, song and memory flash back. It is surely an unforgettable memory for small little Jordan.

Nursery Ryhmes - Jordan's 1st Birthday Celebration

Nursery Ryhmes – Jordan’s 1st Birthday Celebration

3. Horror Theme

Sunway Property chose it for their annual dinner theme! The make up of the guests looked very real and they are good actors too!


Horror Theme – Sunway Property Annual DInner

4. Floral Vintage

Butterfly Project’s High Tea – The theme of this party was English style high tea and it’s so elegant and sweet.


Floral Vintage – Butterfly Project’s Hightea

5. Back To School Theme

Shell Annual Dinner with Back to School Theme refreshed the memory of the good old time while you are still in secondary school.


Back to School – Shell Malaysia Annual Dinner

6. Rock Theme 

The theme of this birthday party was ROCK! Everybody was dressed up like rocker and they were rocking the whole night!


7. Halloween Theme

Insidious pre-screening collaborate with the Halloween theme.

Halloween Theme - Insidious 2 Premiere Screening

Halloween Theme – Insidious 2 Premiere Screening

8. Garden Theme 

With the customized garden backdrop and layout to bring out the romantic garden wedding.


Garden Theme – Ken & Kathy Wedding

9. Shanghai Night Theme

The guests were dressed up with the Chinese traditional clothes, such as cheongsam and changsan.

Shanghai Night Theme - Comptel Annual Dinner 2013

Shanghai Night Theme – Comptel Annual Dinner 2013

10. Vintage Paris Theme

Theme can reflects your dream destination. Paris Eiffel Tower is one of the dream destination for most of the people.


Vintage Paris Theme – Jitt & Yuen Wedding