+6019.3233.682 ask@123cheese.my

Date: 20th, October 2013
Time: 9.00pm-11.00pm
Venue: Plaza Mahkota Melaka

Once in a while, we should really appreciate our secondary or college lifestyle, because that’s the time that we can really enjoy our moment to the max and enjoy being a student is like the best thing ever in your life because you do not need to worry and stress on anything just to enjoy and have fun everyday of course other than having exam all those. If compare with the working life you will definitely know which you should cherish the most.

Razak House Rahman house 1 Hussein House

There is a total of 3 photo booth for this event as you can see that there are 3 different backgrounds shown on the above, there are 3 different colour backdrops which is silver, gold, & Maroon colour. 3 of them also have different themes. Silver means grand, gold means legendary night and maroon means villain. In the same time, the students had also put a lot of their effort on their clothes, accessories and so on. It really makes the environment lively has this three theme all around.

Razak House 1 Rahman house hussein house 1

The student is actually very creative and active kind of, because there are session in their schedule actually. There is also an artist who came to give his speech to the student that is Harith Iskandar. After his speech all the student rush outside with all the energy they had to reach 123cheese photo booth. Due to they just have 30 to 40 minutes for the photo session than they will have to go back inside the hall for award thingy. Then they have another second session which after the session they will have to go back with their college buses. So the whole event they would really need to rush and get a precious picture with all the customised props.


templates hussein house templates rahman house templates razak house house

This are all the templates that 123cheese.my had prepared for the entire 3 photo booth. They are actually very satisfied with it, because when you see the hall once the student rushes out it is really crowded with all the eager students some are very excited to get or look at their photo outcome and other are very excited to capture their memorable photo in the 123cheese photo booth.

To view more photos about Rahman House, please go to Rahman House album.

To view more photos about Razak House, please go to Razak House album.

To view more photos about Hussein House, please go to Hussein House album.

Do remember to like and tag your friend! Don’t forget to LIKE 123Cheese Facebook page too. 🙂

For more information about 123Cheese PhotoBooth, please log on to 123Cheese.my