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Date: 26th November 2013
Time: 6pm-9p.m
Venue: Cathay cineplex

Frozen was a movie created by Walt Disney Animation Studio. What could I say about this movie!? Hmmm…  I can only describe this movie with 3 words hilarious, Creative & Cute.  For those who did not catch up this movie it is surely a waste because this is a movie that you would not want to miss out. The character that carves a deep image that is Olaf. Olaf is a snowman which cares more about friendship he is warm & cute although he is made by snow. He plays an important role in this movie as you can keep laughing at the cinema by watching how he moves or how he talks.


That night was an awesome night, where every media reaches the place and the main character of the movie also came by that day. They are the first batch who watches Frozen present in Bahasa Melayu, it is quite interesting too by watching it at different language other than English. Is should be Liyana Jasmay, Marsha Milan Londoh, Azran Ahmad, Lokman Azlam, Ray & so on. By using their dub for every of this character is superb suitable because they can actually carry the character well.


I guess everyone know her! She is Liyana Jasmay, She is the voice cast of Anna in Frozen. Basically Anna is a girl who is brave, spunky & desperate for love because when she was a kid she used to be alone after her parent pass away in an accident. No one accompany her for playing and talking, she used to be alone.


Well this is Marsha Milan who plays the role of Anna Sister Elsa (The Snow Queen). Yes as i mention she is a snow queen who can easily build a castle with snow or ice. Elsa is a very elegant, powerful, caring, protected, kind-hearted & not to forget she had her funny side too…! She is the one who created Olaf (The Snowman). Elsa is being districted from her parent that she is not allowed to come out from that room after the incident when she play with Anna she accidentally sprung the ice into Anna head. These incidents almost cause Anna life in danger. When she grow up she was being arranged to meet the public and it is her first time after being locked in the room for so many years. During the gathering something happen…!


The left hand side is Olaf. He is voiced by Ray from Era FM. Olaf is a small snowman divided into three balls of snow. Olaf is a character that will be loved by many audiences because he is cute, funny, romantic & kind-hearted & naive. As he likes warm hug, he loves summer although he might melt in the summer but at last Elsa created a personal snow cloud just for him. He is being built by Elsa & Anna during their childhood time. So don’t miss out this incredible character that will let you laugh nonstop in the cinema! 🙂

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Well this is the templates that 123cheese.my created for this movie frozen with all the cold & looks like ice decoration beside it, guess what? The result is good! We 123cheese would like to thanks the organizer for inviting us to their screen premiere and letting us to watch the movie together as it was an awesome movie to be watch.

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Have a nice day! Thanks for Reading!:D