+6019.3233.682 ask@123cheese.my

Date:  14th December 2013
Time: 8a.m-12p.m
Venue: Sunway Lagoon

It was really awesome to have family day on Sunday! Everyone is having their great time & appreciates the time that they are having now. To have a blissful future, an individual must on going create countless & remarkable memory.


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It was really enjoyable on that day because as you know Sunway lagoon personally already have a lot of activity. So they would not be dull but at the same time they would have activity to enhance the relationship among the family & friend. The props that 123cheese customized is totally based on the theme that they want & the guests do also like our props a lot.

2 templates family templates templates 2

There are 2 templates that Dutch Lady requested, so that the guests are able to have 2 different design based on beach themed. All of them are having lots of lots of fun in 123cheese photo booth on how they pose & their friendliness.

For more information you can visit our website 123cheese.my

For more photos you can visit our facebook page fb.com/123cheese.my