+6019.3233.682 ask@123cheese.my


On the 9th of April, 123Cheese attended Selangor Information Technology and E-Commerce Council (SITEC)‘s Top E-Commerce Merchant Awards held at the Empire Hotel.

What is SITEC?
SITEC was established by the Selangor State Government to develop Selangor as the regional trading hub for e-commerce and also to uplift the startup ecosystem. SITEC is tasked to encourage small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Selangor state to embrace e-commerce and to widen their market in the digital borderless world. Currently, SITEC provides education and training for SMEs to sell on online shopping platforms as well as through mobile applications.


What is the Top E-Commerce Merchant Awards?
The ECM 2016 is created by SITEC the first award towards the Top Malaysian E-Commerce Merchants. This award is partnered with leading e-commerce merchants such as Lazada, 11street and Lelong. This award is to recognise the most successful, creative and innovative online e-commerce merchants to win a prize pool of RM25,000 in cash prizes.


A total of 71 companies has joined to compete for the Top E-Commerce Merchant Awards. 123Cheese is proud to announce that it was awarded Top 10! The winners were chosen through a 50% judging from SITEC judges and another 50% from online votes. If it weren’t for our supporters, we could have not gone this far. Thank you everyone for your votes!


These are other merchants that were placed at top 10.


Meet the 123Cheese family!